Double Viking Knit Necklace 1/12


Learn double Viking Knit with color progression while making this striking necklace.  Students will be using plated metal or copper wire to make this necklace, although sterling wire will be available for purchase.  The pendant shown in the picture is an example of how the necklace can be finished but the stone is not included in the kit fee.

Skill:  Beginner PLUS Viking Knit - it is suggested that students already know basic viking knit; very motivated beginners with patience can also sign-up
Class Fee: $20 due upon registration 
Kit Fee: $15 for copper and other plated metal colors

Additional:  If you have the larger size Viking knit tool, bring it with you to class.  We will have tools available for purchase or students can use one of our dowel rods.
Date: Thursday, Jan 12th, 6:00pm  - 8:30pm
Ages: Adult
Instructor: Teresa Kodatt
