Draped Christmas Ornament 10/19


There are only 3 items left in stock.

I love making ornaments every year for family keepsakes, and have started signing and dating them on the bottom.  This year's project is inexpensive and easy to make.  It seems like there is never enough time to make them for everyonet...so start working on your Christmas ornament early this year!

Skill: Beginner Plus Stitching - An easy project but probably too complex for a first bead stitching class.

Class Fee: $25 due upon registration 
Kit Fee: $20 minus 10% class discount
Date: Thursday, Oct 19th, 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Ages: Adult
Instructor: Teresa Kodatt

Note:  Students will probably not finish this project during class time but will learn all techniques required to finish at home.
