Kumihimo Island Bracelet 4/20


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Learn a centuries old Japanese eight stranded braiding technique combined with the relatively recent inclusion of beads.  Make this bracelet with an integrated braided button loop for a tidy closure without the hassle of caps and a metal clasp.  The handmade coconut button gives is a rustic natural look.

Skill: Beginner Plus Stitching - not hard to learn but too challenging for a first bead stitching class.

Class Fee: $20 due upon registration

Kit fee: $7; PLUS this class requires a round kumihimo disk and 8 bobbins.  If you have your own, bring them to class or the set can be purchased at Pumpkin Glass for $8.50.
Date: Thursday, April 20th, 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Instructor:  Teresa Kodatt

Age:  Adult
