We will be closed November 1st & 2nd - See us at Santa’s North Pole Village in Ankeny, IA!

Mayan Glow Bracelet Online Class 6/11


Relax in your own home while learning to make this bracelet with an inner glow thanks to the two-hole backlit baroque cabochons.  The matte and Picasso coated seed beads gives the bracelet a Mayan masonary feel.  Pattern designed by Anna Lindell for Beadsmith.

Skill: Intermediate or Beginner Plus Stitching Level - requires students have made beginner bead stitching projects successfully i.e. could be too tough for a first time beading project.

Date: Thursday, June 11th, 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Ages: 14 to Adult

Materials:  Be sure to order your bracelet kit  in advance to allow for shipping or you can pickup in-store! 

In addition to the kit materials, you will also need the following:

Make sure to check the email address that you supply when you place your order so we can send you the link and password for the class.  We will be using Zoom which is an online video meeting platform.  A Zoom account is not required to attend a meeting.  The first time you click on the link to join the meeting, it will take you through the steps to download the application to your desktop or Mobil device.  Here is a link explaining the details if you are interested:  http://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193
