Turkish Crochet Necklace Cord Class 5/6


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Ready to take chain stitching with beads to level?  Learn this Turkish Crochet technique to make a unique cord for a pendant or to wear on its own (pendant not included)!  If you are a beginner, learn how to make a simple beaded chain instead (see second picture).  Use 3-4mm faceted stones and silk cord in your own combinations of colors.  Every one is a unique creation!

Skill:  Intermediate Bead Crochet for Turkish Cord - students must know how to do single crochet stitch  

            Beginner Bead Crochet- no prerequisites

Date:  Thursday, May 6th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Ages: 16 and up

Class Fee: $25 due upon registration

Kit Fee: $10 plus the cost of the stones (prices vary depending on the strand you choose) due on class night;  you will also need to bring a size 4, 5 or 6 steel crochet hook in case you don’t get finished in class.  We also have them for sale if you need one.
